About Us

Welcome to
DeLuxe Massage

Where every massage is a journey to deep relaxation and rejuvenation. Founded with a passion for wellness and personal care, our salon is the creation of Oleksandr Petrovtsiiy and Elena Kuznetcova, under the company LEXPO TRADE s.r.o. (ID No: 17643694).

Our Mission

Our mission is not only to offer relief from everyday stress and tension, but also to promote the long-term health and well-being of our clients. At DeLuxe Massage, our team of expert massage therapists emphasize a personalized approach, tailoring each massage to the specific needs and desires of our clients.

What can you find?

Our salon offers a wide range of massage services, from traditional techniques to innovative therapies, all in a harmonious and soothing environment. Our environment is designed to promote calm and regeneration, and our massage therapists are not only highly skilled but also empathetic to your needs.

What do we believe in?

At DeLuxe Massage, we believe that a great massage can have a transformative effect on a person's life. That's why we're here to provide you with not only a temporary escape from reality, but also a way to improve your overall health and well-being.


Oleksandr Petrovtsiiy & Elena Kuznetcova
Come experience the difference and be pampered by our professionals. At DeLuxe Massage, we look forward to helping you find your way to harmony of body and spirit.